We pray that you will be touched by the message that we share and you are invited to come

and hear the teachings of the Cross to enlighten your life. For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to Preach the Gospel (the manner in which one may be Born Again): not with wisdom of words, less the Cross of Christ should be made of none effect. ( I Corinthians 1:17)

Pastor Willie F. Miller 

May Heaven smile upon you

“Enter Ye In At the Strait (Narrow) Gate”

Salvation is very difficult for those that have a heart like Cain, Able’s brother!

(Genesis 4:1-15; Hebrews 11:4; Jude 11)

The narrow way represents the only way man can reach God, and that is faith in what Jesus Christ accomplished on the Cross, and His resurrection. This way brings Life instead of Death. Take heed before reality have a chance to set in! 


View Pastor Miller’s
“Proclaiming the Message of the Cross”
10:00am on Channel 69 Buckeye Cablesystem 

We are affiliated with Jimmy Swaggart Ministries